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My Obsession With Fresh

It is most definitely midnight when I'm writing this. I managed to get my boyfriend to clean out his workshop and let me tell you, it looks fantastic. I'll be doing edits to this site as I progress with blogging - for now, I'm focusing on making it more mobile friendly. I'm very sorry that this wasn't done before I launched my blog. There's also now a comments section I'd love for you to check out! Since my blogs don't allow for commenting, you can leave your feedback there. :)

I just recently discovered the world of high-end skincare and the wonders it can do. Being a girl with combination-oily skin that's also extremely sensitive, it's hard for me to find *the right* products. My skin is also very keen on adapting quickly to products, which is unfortunate because I find myself continually purchasing new skincare at least once a month. Lucky for me, this find originally came to me in a 100 point Beauty Insider purchase back in January... Cut to my new addiction.... Fresh.

Fresh is the brand that caught me hook, line, and sinker. I received a duo set of a Sugar lip treatment and a Rose Face Mask sample from the 100 Beauty Points redemption, which at first - I was just happy I had a face mask. Soon enough, I noticed a major change in my skin for the better. The Rose collection is definitely something I am very thankful for, but to show you these products more in-depth, I'll give you a quick breakdown of each that I've tried:

Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner ($44)
First thing's first - the Rose collection from Fresh is my absolute FAVORITE! I don't think I'll ever be able to live without the active ingredients in these products. The Rose collection is geared towards reducing and refining the appearance of pores, mattifying skin, and reducing redness. It's a hydration collection, with active ingredients such as Rose Fruit extract, Green Tea extract, Pure Rosewater, Cucumber extract, and more. I'll mention the active ingredients below the reviews as I go along. The perk of the rose collection is that each product contains real rose petals! This is a luxury I could get used to.

My favorite product by far is the Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner ($44). This product will forever be a holy grail of mine. I use it as directed - once a day, and once at night, massaging gently into the skin after washing my face. I enjoy the way that it makes my makeup apply (which is a lot smoother and I believe has something to do with the longevity of my makeup because the oil on my face is significantly reduced). I've noticed without a pore minimizing primer that this toner leaves my pores looking reduced in appearance and healthy. Overall, my skin feels clean, I'm glowing, hydrated, and left very refreshed!

Active Ingredients: Rosewater, Rose Fruit Extract, Angelica Leaf Extract, Hyaluronic Acid

Fresh Rose Face Mask ($25-65)
My second favorite product is also in the Rose collection - and admittedly the product that got me started on this addiction in the first place - the Rose Face Mask. This mask is rather expensive - $65 seems like a lot for something that you're just going to wash off, but the amount of product you get, how little you actually use, and the benefits of it go a long way. If you're still on the fence, I highly recommend getting the 1floz jar for $25 (pictured). 

This is a gel mask with real rose petal infusions that tones, soothes, cools, brightens, and moisturizes the skin. I've noticed this product performing as exceptional as any, especially with pores and redness. I use the face mask, again, as directed (apply for 5-10 minutes and rinse with water). Usually, an entire face coverage equals out to about a dime sized amount or half of that depending on where you apply. I usually apply to my entire face and let it work itself into the skin for 10 minutes as opposed to 5. The results are unreal - even after one use, my pores were cleansed and looked smaller. My skin felt mattified, yet hydrated, and the redness on my face was reduced. I definitely owe it to this mask because I've been using it since January and every time that I've strayed off the skincare path, it's put me back right where I left off.

Active Ingredients: Rosewater, Rose Petals, Cucumber Extract, Porphyridium Cruentum, Green Tea

A look at the Rose Face Mask

Fresh Soy Face Cleanser - $15-$38
 The last product I'll be reviewing for this post is the Soy Face Cleanser. Obviously from the name, this is not an item in the Rose collection, but it is definitely a close second and one of Fresh's top sellers. This is a gel face cleanser that can double as a makeup remover (including mascara) that also promises to not strip away any essential moisture from the skin. What I've learned is that a little goes a long way with this product - a dime sized amount is good for the entire face (much like the Rose Face Mask) and that this is ultimately a very thorough deep cleaning product. It takes a little while to activate (by gentle massage) which is a small drawback for me because I don't want to be standing at the sink for 10 minutes to clean my face. However, the way it cleans so deeply and still left my skin hydrated is a plus.

After using it, I popped on a face mask and felt very refreshed and free of dirt and oil that blocks pores. I think that this is a good product to use after having a full face of makeup on for a night out or if you've wore out the length of your foundation. I recommend a smaller bottle before purchasing the large because I don't see this being everyone's favorite product, but I see it as useful for times when you need a deep clean.

Active Ingredients: Amino Acid-Rich Soy Proteins, Rosewater, Cucumber Extract, Borage Seed Oil

In total, I would say that Fresh has become my new favorite line of skincare. They have products suitable for my skin type and also completely removes the harshness other skincare products have. I can use the lines (the Rose collection especially) and feel totally renewed. The price is absolutely crazy, and I can't say I recommend anybody going out and buying a full size of any of the products until they see that they truly suit their skin. What I do suggest, is finding the smaller sizes and when/if you feel your skin really likes the ingredients in the products, then buy the fuller more expensive size. Samples are awesome, but unfortunately, you can't gain a lot of information through a skincare sample in a tiny pot at Sephora. If you have Beauty Insider points to spend and Fresh just so happens to be in the rewards, treat yo self and pick it up! To me, skincare is an investment, and one that would be an absolute waste if it wasn't definitively working.

That's my review of some of the recent Fresh products to come my way. As always, if you want to check out more beauty & makeup photos, be sure to check out my beauty Instagram @Lys_Glitz. I hope you have a wonderful day, or night, wherever you are! Now if you'll excuse me... I need a face mask. ;)



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